Get Protection against Evil Forces with Evil Eye Jewelry
The curse of the evil eye comes from a devilish glance often directed to a person who has no unawareness of its evil consequences. The effect of the glare from the evil eye is a series of bad luck, injuries or misfortunes. Amulets or talismans were created by godly people as protection against its malevolence with “evil eyes” stones.Reasons for becoming Victim of the Evil Eye
Innocent people are victims of the evil eye because of the weakness and evil nature of their fellowmen. Envy is the reason. Your friend was chosen cheerleader in your school. Your office buddy got a juicy promotion. Your neighbor received an inheritance and is moving to a more classy subdivision. Its good fortune to have an abundant share of beauty, executive position, an expensive car, good-looking & healthy children, nice house in a high class subdivision, skill, talent, wealth, etc., are so many other reasons to be envious. Envy is one of the most damaging diseases of the heart. You feel it when you see something good that someone else has that cannot belong to you. The degree of the damage is proportionate to the amount of anger, hatred and malice in the heart of the envier. At its lowest end, it can be a pimple ruining your porcelain-like face or at its highest, it destroys your family as divorce, ill-health, miscarriage, serious injury or even death.Jewelry to ward off Evil Eye
There are bracelets, pendants, rings and jewelry to ward off evil consequences.- Evil Eye Pendant
- Evil Eye Bracelet
- Evil Eye Rings