Emerald Zambian elegant gemstone
On the whole, it displays excellent transparency and brilliance. Based on Mohs scale of hardness, the Zambian emeralds shows an amazing 7.5 to 8 for their strength. But emeralds are extremely delicate and fragile and should be worn with great care.History
Around 1976, Zambian emerald mining started on large scale but was doing poorly in the high end mark. But this condition changed when Tiffany & Co. started marketing Zambian emeralds in 1989. Today, emeralds from Zambia have gained the respect and recognition for their distinctive characteristics. Around 20% of the world’s supply of emeralds is from Zambia. Zambian emeralds popularity has been rising over the past years. It enabled economic growth in the country helping the livelihood of the populace. But Zambian emerald is still number 2 in the production of these green stones.Benefits
- Emerald is the gemstone for professionals in the medical field and all similar specializations.
- It helps in the intricate task of healing the brain, ears, eyes and general procedures, as well as those working in pediatric activities, CT scans and MRIs.
- It is potent in lifting depression and Insomnia while enhancing the healing of the heart.
- Zambian emerald saves a person from trouble, by increasing faculty powers, the wearer experiences mental peace; he pacifies his anger and increases visual sight.
- It provides peaceful and harmonious married life and helps in dealing, developing & understanding of children; as well as promoting unity in the family.
- People wearing the stone retain their wealth and the power to hold money.
- Zambian stones assist children to have more concentration on their work and studies.
- The stone increase the power of think, reasoning and spirituality.
- The stone decreases the negative effects of nightmares and evil spirits aside from increasing peace of mind. It helps the wearer to perform better and lead a harmonious and prosperous life.
- People with speech problems also benefit by wearing this gemstones.
- Persons involved legal dispute must wear an emerald for favorable result.
- Couples giving the stone as mutual gifts enhance faithfulness and love in the relationship.
- The color of the stone alters in the presence of false friends thereby, shielding him from harm.
- The stone helps pregnant women to reduce labor time and ease labor pain by regulating blood circulation in the body.
- It treats gastrointestinal problems like diarrhea, dysentery and gastritis.
- These health problems are cured by wearing the stone: asthma, amnesia, cardiac problems, insomnia, ulcer, etc…
- The stone resolves problems like epileptic seizures. Astrologers advised epileptic patients to wear emerald to prevent sudden attacks.
- Zambian emeralds should be worn by professionals in the field of architecture, astronomy, medicine, publishing, real estate, science, teaching and writing.