Emerald the Green Stone
Green color of emerald has no precedence in gemstone world. In fact, emerald is one of the most ‘precious four’ of all gemstones that includes: sapphire, ruby and diamond. Today, most stones are quite making them an easy subject for breakage. According to Gemological Institute of America, the (GIA) emerald used as fine jewelry belongs to the I2 to I3 range.History
Egypt had been mining emerald from 330 BC into the 1700s. Cleopatra had a passion for the green stone was known to have a passion for emerald and used it abundantly in her royal adornments. For centuries, emeralds had been worn by royalties in Incas and became an integral part of their religious ceremonies. Emeralds were part of the plunder pirates died for during the 16th century Spanish explorer’s raid in the New World. Since the Spanish treasured gold and silver far more than gems, they traded emeralds in exchanged of precious metals. These trades opened the eyes of European and Asian royalty to value of emerald. Although Colombia is considered as the main source of the stone, emerald deposits are mined from many locations around the world. Africa, Brazil, Europe, South America and Zambia have emerald production. Brazilians valued emerald for their clarity and slightly yellowish green color, while Zambian treasured for their slightly bluish green color, which is similar to identical to Colombia’s ’emerald-green’.Benefits to Wearer
- Known as the stone of communication, whoever wears emerald improves his/her skills in communications skill as well as expressing thoughts to impresses the other person.
- This very precious green stone boosts the confidence of shy people giving them energy and self-esteem at the same tie opening up new avenues for communication.
- It brings good fortune and success in life. You might be the winner of the lotto by wearing emerald.
- The stone is the harbinger for fame, and fortune. It is the popular choice of artists, leaders, and motivational speakers. The wearer gets a phenomenal rise in life, bestowing him success in whatever field he chooses.
- Say goodbye to stammering. This defect often makes one the laughing stock of the group. The natural emerald is considered to be very effective in treating stammering.
- Shy nature often stands as barrier in life. Emerald is just the stone to correct it. Wear emerald gemstone beads to overcome shyness and helps you win a lot of friend and admirers.
- The stone bounces individual away from the difficult situation. Any one facing difficult situations in life whether it is breaking up with a loved one or losing a business is healed by the emerald. It deletes unpleasant experience in life as a bad dream.
- With strong therapeutic properties, the gem helps people face the problem of concentration, sleeplessness, restlessness etc. It has the power to bring life’s stability by getting rid of the person’s troubles. It gives the emotional and financial stability needed in life.
- A stone of intuition, fortune tellers wear it to accurately predict the future, aside from wearing the ring as protection from spells and omens.
- Known as the stone of wisdom, it gives the wearer wisdom directly from the universe. It increases mental clarity and enhances memory.